Thomas A. Lytle, MA, LPC-S, NCC, MAC, NCACII
Tom was born and raised in western Pennsylvania, where he married his high school sweetheart, Gezelle. After graduating high school, Tom followed the family tradition and went to work in the coal mines for four years, until he sustained a life-changing injury that would eventually require three back surgeries.
For several years, Tom was Mr. Mom to their only child while Gezelle became Mrs. Dad. Life was radically different, and Tom had to redefine what was at the heart of masculinity. Finally, in 1989 Tom decided that total disability was no longer a way of life, and he wanted retraining to help people. Tom and Gezelle chose a school in Portland, Oregon, and began another journey that would continue to stretch and prepare them for a yet unknown future. They spent twelve years in Oregon while Tom completed an undergraduate and graduate degree in Counseling.
Finally, in 2001, Tom and Gezelle moved to Alaska, at the invitation of their adult son and his wife. Once in Alaska they purchased 35 acres in Point MacKenzie with their children and built a multigenerational home where they lived with their son and daughter-in-law, their three granddaughters and two grandsons.
Tom enjoys building things with his hands, and he loves the summers when he can get outside and build a shed or work in the shop. Tom and Gezelle love animals, and they support the local 4-H at the Alaska State Fair each year. Most importantly, Tom loves people and sees the good in them. He finds deep meaning and true joy in helping people.
Western Seminary, Master of Counseling
Portland, Oregon
Multnomah Bible College, Bachelor of Science
Portland, Oregon
Approved Counselor Supervisor
State of Alaska
Board of Professional Counselors
P. O. Box 110806
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0806
License Professional Counselor
License Number: AA 330
State of Alaska
Board of Professional Counselors
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0806
Master Addiction Counselor
Certification Number: 507116
NAADAC: The Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1552
National Certified Counselor
Certification Number: 60352
National Board of Certified Counselors, Inc
3 Terrace Way
Greensboro, NC 27403-3660
EMDR International Association
5806 Mesa Drive, Suite 330
Austin, Texas 78731-3785
NAADAC: The Association for Addiction Professionals
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1552
License Professional Counselor, President, August 9, 2010 to Present
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Alaska Counseling Excellence, Inc.
865 N. Seward Meridian PKWY, Ste. 104
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
(907) 373-5331
- Perform administrative responsibilities to start, manage and expand professional counseling practice,
- Manage employee(s),
- Develop hiring contracts, employee policy and procedures, HIPAA and HITECH policy and procedures,
- Network potential referring agencies,
- Provide community seminars,
- Provide individual, couple, family or group therapy,
- Perform counselor responsibilities.
License Professional Counselor, March 1, 2007 to July 31, 2010
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Providence Behavioral Medicine Group-Wasilla
1700 E. Bogard Rd. Ste 201
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
(907) 373-8080
- Assess and diagnose patients using acceptable clinical standards in accordance with Providence Policies and Procedures, Federal and State guidelines and JACHO,
- Develop individualized treatment plans and objectives based upon client’s needs and assessment in accordance with Providence Policies and Procedures and JACHO standards,
- Clinical documentation of sessions (individual, family or group therapy),
- Facilitate therapy groups,
- To perform individual, couple, and/or family counseling,
- Collaborate with referral agencies,
- Provide coordination of care with outside agencies to meet physical, mental, and emotional needs of the client.
- Developed clinical documentation for Providence Behavioral Medicine Group,
- Developed financial salary plan for Providence Mental Health Systems-Alaska.
Mental Health Therapist-OPCD,December 12, 2004 to February 28, 2007
Outpatient Chemical Dependence
Providence Breakthrough
3802 Lake Otis PKWY, Ste. 200
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
(907) 212-6900
- Assess and determine placement into treatment program according to JACHO and ASAM requirements,
- Develop individualized treatment plans and objectives based upon client’s needs and assessment in accordance with Providence Policies and Procedures and JACHO standards,
- Documentation of client’s needs and progress in treatment,
- Facilitate therapy groups (process, sober living skills, relapse prevention and family),
- To perform individual, couple, and/or family counseling,
- Collaborate with referral agencies,
- Provide coordination of care with outside agencies to meet physical, mental, and emotional needs of the client.
Program Manager, March 7, 2003 to December 12, 2004
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program
Hiland Mountain Women’s Correctional Center
Akeela, Inc.
4111 Minnesota BLVD.
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6448
(907) 565-1200
- Collaboration of treatment concerns within various Department of Correction departments (Mental Health, Medical, Institutional Probation Officers, and Administration Officials),
- Supervising employees (primary counselors, assessment/transition counselor, and floor counselor) and evaluating performance in regards to job functions and clinical standards,
- Networking with community resources for inmates being released back into the community,
- Evaluating and implementing program changes based upon the needs of inmate population, requirements of home agency, State Department of Behavioral Health, Federal Government RSAT guidelines and/or CARF,
- Writing reports to aforementioned agencies,
- Analyzing and assessing budgetary needs.
Clinical Coordinator, February 2002 to March 1, 2003
Outpatient Chemical Dependence
Mat-Su Recovery Center, Inc.
291 E. Swanson
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
- Assume responsibilities for clinical director in his/her absence,
- Supervise treatment programs at MSRC (Adolescent Program, Women’s Program, Adult Evening Program, Dual Diagnosis Program, Strengthening Families Program, and Juvenile Assessment Counselor),
- Evaluate programs and employees for compliance to MSRC policies and procedures, State Department of Behavioral Health, and CARF,
- Facilitate educational and process groups,
- Perform individual counseling sessions,
- Development of treatment plans,
- Report writing.
Primary Counselor, July 2, 2001 to February 2002
Outpatient Chemical Dependence
Mat-Su Recovery Center, Inc.
291 E. Swanson
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
- Facilitate therapy groups (drug and alcohol education, process, sober living skills, relapse prevention and family),
- Perform individual, couple, and/or family counseling,
- Network with community providers (mental health, medical, judicial, and OCS),
- Documentation of client’s needs and progress in treatment,
- Develop individualized treatment plans and objectives based upon client’s needs and assessment.
License Professional Counselor,January 1997 to June 2001
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Northwest Christian Counseling Services, PC
Gresham, Oregon 97030
- Perform assessments and develop treatment plans based upon assessment and client needs,
- Perform individual, couple, and/or family counseling,
- Network community resources to meet client needs,
- Maintain professional relationships with community resources and referral organizations.
Career and Lifestyle Issues Counseling the Grieving Family Systems Therapy Group Counseling Helping Relationships Human Development Integrative Issues Internships I – V Legal and Ethical Issues |
Marital Relationships Marriage Counseling Marriage Issues Prepare/Enrich Psychopathology Psychotherapeutic Systems Research Evaluation Social and Cultural Foundation Test and Measures TJTA Training |
- Treatment Planning and Records Management 1997
- NAADAC General Education 2001
- Ethics 2001
- Business Management 2001
- Cultural Considerations in Providing Services to Alaska Native People 2001
- Heroin and Oxycontin 2001
- Relapse Prevention 2002
- Methamphetamines and Club Drugs 2002
- Basics of Addiction Counseling 2002
- CARF 2002
- Medical Record Documentation 2002
- ACA Ethics and standards 2003
- Counseling Inupiat Eskimo 2003
- Issues in Supervisions 2003
- Ethics in Actions 2003
- Neurofeedback 2003
- PSY 304 Fundamentals of Research Methodology 2003
- LS 610 Information Research Strategies 2004 (graduate class, 4 semester credits, 60 hours)
- PSY 540 Applied Statistics 2005 (graduate class, 4 semester credits, 60 hours)
- Methamphetamines and Best Practice 2005
- Treating Marijuana Dependence 2005
- Ethics Training 2005
- Working with Incarcerated Individuals 2006
- PSY 511 Clinical Survey of Substance Abuse and Dependence 2006 (graduate class, 4 semester credits, 60 hours)
- PSY 534 Co-Occurring Disorders 2006 (graduate class, 4 semester credits, 60 hour class)
- Effective Interventions for Oppositional and Defiant Children and Adolescents 2007
- HBM 609 Pain Management 2007 (graduate class, 4 semester credits, 60 hours)
- Childhood Bipolar 2007
- DBT for Adolescents and Families 2007
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy 2007
- Legal Issues for Mental Health Professional 2007
- Empowering Children and Adolescents 2007
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Counseling Ethics and Legal Issues Academy”
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Child and Adolescent Counseling Academy”
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Using Interpersonal Forgiveness to Bring Healing to Relational Hurt and Pain”
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Critical Issues in Working With Parents of Young Children in Counseling”
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Extending the Basics: Advanced Skills and Issues in Counseling Young Children”
- ACA 2009 Conference: Completion of “Exposition and Education Session”
- Attachment Workshop 201 and 202
- Attachment Workshop: Defusing Strategies 2009
- ACA 2011 Conference: The Nature of Attachment for the Children of Returning U.S. Military Veterans
- ACA 2011 Conference: Counseling as Social Neuroscience
- ACA 2011 Conference: Counseling as Social Neuroscience
- ACA 2011 Conference: Counseling Children: A Core Issues Approach
- ACA 2011 Conference: Counseling Traumatized Children with Creativity
- ACA 2011 Conference: Cultural Competence and Ethical Practice
- ACA 2011 Conference: The DMS V Counselor Education
- ACA 2011 Conference: Working with Minors: Ethical and Legal Concerns
- ACA 2011 Conference: Ethics and Technology
- ACA 2011 Conference: Forgiveness: A Healthy Choice
- ACA 2011 Conference: The Power of Gratitude to Heal, Energize and Change Our Lives
- ACA 2011 Conference: HIPAA: Update on Confidentiality, Privilege and Privacy
- ACA 2011 Conference: Keynote Address 1
- ACA 2011 Conference: Keynote Address 2
- ACA 2011 Conference: Cultivating Positive Emotions Through Loving-Kindness Meditation
- ACA 2011 Conference: Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use
- ACA 2011 Conference: Nurturing Connection: Using Attachment Theory to Foster More Satisfying Couple and Family Relationships
- ACA 2011 Conference: Playing Through Trauma: Using Play Therapy to Help Children Work Through Their Trauma
- ACA 2011 Conference: Incorporating Mindfulness to Improve Parent-child Attachment
- ACA 2011 Conference: The Dilemmas of Diagnosis
- ACA 2011 Conference: What Counselors Must Know Now About Law and Ethics
- ACA 2011 Conference: Introduction to Post-traumatic Growth: The Transformative Side of Trauma
- ACA March 23, 2011: Starting and Maintaining and Expanding a Successful Private Practice
- ACA March 23 2011: Social Media for the Professional Counselor
- ACA March 24, 2011: Counselors Working in Family Court as Custody Evaluators, Family Mediators and Parent Coordinators
- ACA March 24, 2011: Evidence Based Methods for PTSD and Depression
- August 27, 2011: Attachment: Revised Defusing Strategies
- April 23, 2011 Revised Attachment Disorder 201 Workshop
- August 27 2011 Attachment disorder Workshop: Revised Defusing Strategies
- May 12, 2012 Rebuilding the Broken Bond
- May 18, 2012 Forgiveness in Recovery
- February 21, 2013 Alaska Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Clinicians
- February 22, 2013 Revolutionizing Diagnosis & Treatment Using the DSM-5
- ACA Pre-Conference March 21, 2013 Skype and Email, Legal and Ethical Considerations for Best Practices Online
- ACA Pre-Conference March 20, 2013 Essentials of Disaster Mental Health and Crisis Counseling
- ACA Pre-Conference March 20, 2013 P:ost-Divorce Counseling and Forensic Family Intervention: The Professional Counselor Working With High-Conflict Divorce
- ACA Pre-Conference March 21, 2013 Neurology and Psychopharmacology: Current Medications, How They Work, and the Counselor’s Supportive Role
- ACA Conference March 24, 2013 ACA Conference in its Entirety (17 hours)
- May 17-19, 2013 EMDR Basic Training (Part I – Anchorage, AK – Barbara Parrett, 20 hours)
- November 8-10, 2013 EMDR Basic Training (Part II – Denver, CO – Gerald Puk , 20 hours)
- March 7, 2014 EMDR: Making EMDR Developmentally Appropriate For Children and Adolescents (12 hours)
- April 4, 2014 Attachment Focused EMDR: Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults Abused as Children (12 hours)
- April 23, 2014 EMDR: Complex PTSD, Attachment and Dissociative Symptoms: Treating Children with Pervasive Emotion Dysregulation Using EMDR Therapy (12 hours)
- June 14, 2014 EMDR Summit: Healing the Wounded Self (12 hours)
- October 28, 2014 EMDR: Integrating EMDR into Treatment Team for Attachment Trauma in Children (9.5 hours)
- December 3, 2014 EMDR: EMDR Therapy and Somatic Interventions for Children (12 hours)
- March 20, 2015 EMDR: Acute, Chronic, Complex PTSD: Exploring Their Neuroendocrinology to Medically Unexplained Symptoms and EMDR Therapy (12 hours)
- April 25, 2015 EMDR: When There are no Words; (14 Hours)
- July 13 – 17, 2015; EMDR: Intensive Retreat in EMDR Therapy with Children Level 1; (31 Hours)
- July 31, August 1, 7 & 8, 2015: EMDR: A Master Class On The EMDR Interweave: Providing the Fibers for the Integration of the Self; (12 Hours)
- September 20, 2015; #7772 Ethics For Counselors (4 Hours)
- February 29 to March 4, 2016; EMDR-Sandtray Specialist: The World of Stories and Symbols (35 hours)
- August 19 – 20, 2016: EMDR: Breaking the Cycle: A Comprehensive EMDR Therapy Approach to Problem Behaviors (12 hours)
- January 13 – 21, 2017: EMDR: 2nd Virtual Summit of EMDR Therapy and Attachment (12 hours)
- March 17 – 25, 2017; Healing the Wounded Child: EMDR Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Dissociation (12 hours)
- June16-17, 2017; International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation Annual Conference: EMDR and Dissociation (12.75 Hours)
- September 9, 2017; Course # 77721, Ethics for Counselors (6 hours)
- October 20 – 21, 2017; Treating Dissociative Disorders with EMDR Therapy, Challenging Issues with Complex PTSD & Dissociative Disorders, A Progressive Approach (12 Hours)
- October 22, 2017; Treating Dissociative Disorders with EMDR Therapy, A Progressive Approach – Working with Unintegrated Parts of Self (6 Hours)
- March 9,10, 16 and 17, 2018; EMDR and Addictions (12 Hours)
- March 23 and 24, 2018; EMDR Reconnecting the Self: Reprocessing Early Trauma and Neglect held in Implicit Memory (14 Hours)
- June 25-30, 2018; EMDR Child & Complex Trauma; Child Specialist Level II (CEU 40 Hours)
- October 3, 2018; EMDR National Conference (CEU 21.5 Hours)
- November 30, 2018: EMDR Virtual Summit for Children and Adolescents (CEU 16 Hours)
- February 9, 2019; EMDR, Memory Reconsolidation and Flash (CEU 6 Hours)
- April 5, 6, 12, and 13, 2019; EMDR Virtual Summit with Medical and Somatic Conditions (14 CEU Hours)
- May 25, 31 and June 1, 2019; EMDR Adult, Complex Trauma and Dissociation Specialist (9 CEU Hours)
- July 15 – 20, 2019; EMDR and Adult, Complex Trauma, and Dissociation Specialist Intensive Program; (CEU 46 Hours)
- September 7, 13, and October 11, 2019; EMDR Parent, Child and Attachment Specialist (Virtual, 8 CEU Hours)
- October 10, 2020; Ethical Dilemmas in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation Across the Lifespan (6 CEU)
- November 12-13, 2020; EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode & Group Traumatic Episode Protocol Virtual Training, Live Interactive, (12 CEU)
- December 11, 2020; The Distancing Technique for Treating OCD, Phobias and Anxiety in EMDR Therapy, LIVE (5 CEU)
- January 22-23, 2021; Integrated Pathways: Sensory Processing/Regulation, EMDR, Imago and Attachment; Live Interactive (14 CEU)
- February 26-27, 2021; Integrated Treatment of Chronic Pain and Chronic Health Conditions Utilizing Advanced EMDR Approaches and Nervous System-Driven Skills, Live Interactive (13 CEU)
- March 26-27, 2021; Attachment Focused EMDR: Healing Developmental Deficits & Adults Abused as Children Workshop; (12 CEU)
- June 5, 2021; Integrating Somatic Psychotherapy with EMDR Therapy Natural Processing Trainings, Part One; Live Interactive, (24 CEU)
- January 26, 2022; Treating Anger, Resentment, Revenge from a Trauma Perspective: A New EMDR Protocol; Virtual (6 CEU)
- January 27-28, 2022; 2-Day Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting Summit: Treatment Tools to Break the Bonds of Emotional Manipulation and Reclaim Personal Power; Live Seminar (11 CEU)
- April 30, 2022; The Flash Technique & EMDR: Advanced Principles and Protocols; Live Interactive (6 CEU)
- May 18 thru 21, 2022; 33rd Annual International Trauma Conference: Psychological Trauma: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Restoration of the Self; In-Person, (52 CEU)
- May 25, 2022; Working with the Effects of Emotional Abuse, Severe Neglect & Invisibility, Live Webinar (4 CEU)
- June 23, 2022, Transforming the Impacts of Intergenerational Trauma with Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT), (4 CEU’s Live Webinar)
- July 7, 2022; Mastering Differential Diagnosis with the DSM 5 TR A Symptom Based Approach (6 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- July 10, 2022; EMDR Therapy Reverse Protocol, (3 CEU)
- July 25-26, 2022; Clinical Supervision: Providing Effective Supervision, Navigating Ethical Issues and Managing Risk, (12.5 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- July 27-28, 2022; Psychedelics in Therapy: MDMA, Psilocybin, Ketamine, MicroDosing & More (10 CEU’s Live Interactive)
- August 08, 2022; EMDR Level Up, (6 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- September 22-23, 2022, Two Day Trauma Conference: The Body Keeps the Score, Live Virtual (12.5 CEU, Live)
- October 28, 2022; Professional Wills: Improving Ethical Practice Through Planning for Provider Absence, (3 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- November 2, 2022; EMDR and Emotional Processing: Working with Severely Dysregulated Clients, Live Interactive, (4 CEU’s)
- November 11, 2022; Military Summit and Veteran Clients: Working with Military and Veteran Clients: Live 2-Day Summit (10 CEU’s, Live)
- December 1, 2022; 2-Day Anxiety Summit: Cutting-Edge Counseling & Treatment Techniques for the New Face of Anxiety (15 CEU’s, Live)
- December 9, 2022; Introduction to Dissociation and the MID: Definitions and Foundations for Assessment (3 CEU’s)
- January 12, 2023; Integrating the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID) into Clinical Practice (6 CEU’s)
- January 18, 2023; 3-Day Nutrition for Mental Health Certification Course, Evergreen Certification # 654662 (18 CEU’s, Live Fully Interactive)
- February 6 – 7, 2023; Cognitive Processing Therapy: An Evidence Based Approach to Treat PTSD and Related Conditions (12.5 CEU’s, Live Fully Interactive)
- February 23 – 24, 2023; 2-Day Workshop: Polyvagal Theory in Action: Creating Safety and Connection with Trauma Clients (12.5 CEU’s, Live Fully Interactive)
- March 31 – April 1, 2023; Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis Level 1 (20 CEU’s, Live Fully Interactive)
- April 13 – 14, 2023; Grief Summit 2023: The World’s Largest Virtual Professional Grief Conference (12 CEU’s, Live)
- April 21, 2023, Medicare 101: An Introduction to the Medicare Program and Coverage of Counselors and MFTs (1 CEU)
- April 27 – 28, 2023; Janina Fisher’s Trauma Treatment Certification Training (CCTP): The Latest Advances and Proven Techniques to Resolve Deeply Held Trauma (12.5 CEU’s, Live Fully Interactive)
- June 29, 2023; Medicare 301: Navigating the Medicare Provider Enrollment Process and Physician Fee Schedule: A Primer for Counselors and MFTs (1 CEU)
- August 2 – 3, 2023; 4th Annual Kids Summit: Keeping Pace with the Biggest Youth Mental Health Challenges (15 CEU’s Live Interactive)
- August 7 – 11, 2023; EMDR Therapy And The Treatment Of Complex PTSD In Adult Survivors Of Childhood Abuse And Neglect, (15 CEU’s Live Interactive)
- August 15, 2023, Psychopharmacology: Essential Information for Mental Health Professionals (3 CEU’s for Ethics plus 3 CEU’s, Live Interactive)
- September 6 through October 11, 2023; Ego State Therapy Foundations Course I (20 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- September 7 – 8, 2023; Couples Therapy Conference 2023, (8 CEU’s Live Interactive)
- October 4, 2023; Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Effective Strategies to Support Grief and Treat Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression in Bereaved Families (6 CEU’s Live Fully Interactive)
- October 23 – 24, 2023; 2 Day Intensive Course: Clinical Supervision: Providing Effective Supervision, Navigating Ethical Issues and Managing Risk (12.5 CEU, Live/Fully Interactive)
- December 15, 2023; Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication (6.5 CEU, Live Fully Interactive)
- American Counseling Association (ACA), 5999 Stevenson Ave. Alexandria, Virginia 22304: Telephone: 800-347-6647
- American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) 675 N. Washington St., Suite 470, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; Telephone: (800) 326-2642
- National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) 3 Terrace Way, Greensboro, North Carolina 27403; Telephone (336) 547-0607
- NAADAC: The Association for Addiction Professionals, 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301 Alexandria, Virginia 22314; Telephone: (800) 548-0497; Fax (800) 377-1136
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) 111 Deer Lake Road, Suite 100 Deerfield, IL, 60015; Telephone 847-480-9028; Fax 847-480-9282
- International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) 8400 Westpark Drive, Second Floor, McLean, VA 22102; Telephone: 703-610-9037; Fax: 703-610-0234
- EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) 5806 Mesa Drive Suite 360 Austin, Texas 78731 Telephone: (866) 451-5200; Fax (512) 451-5256
- EMDR Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 750; Watsonville, CA 95077; Telephone: 831-761-1040; Fax: 831-761-1204
- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), National Press Building 529 14th Street NW, Suite 1280; Washington, DC 20045; Phone: 410-940-6585
- The Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis (MSCH), Contact: MSCH Secretary PO Box 755; Prior Lake, MN 55372-0755; Phone Number (952) 933-3460; SIC Code 80804; NAICS Code 62621

Alaska Counseling Excellence, Inc.
2801 E Palmer-Wasilla Highway, Suite A
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
Phone: 907-373-5331
Fax: 907-373-5334